Forrest Brown


Forrest Brown is the Content Marketing Manager at Profisee and has been writing about B2B tech for eight years, spanning software categories like project management, enterprise resource planning (ERP) and now master data management (MDM). When he's not at work, Forrest enjoys playing music, writing and exploring the Atlanta food scene.

Forrest Brown writes about:
Master Data Management Artificial Intelligence Data Strategy Data Governance

Latest from Forrest Brown

Good data quality helps IT leaders control costs
How Good Data Quality Helps IT leaders Control Costs
BI team helps enhance the value of business data
5 Ways BI Teams Can Enhance the Value of Data
Risks of Poor Data Quality Leading to False Assumptions
You Have A Data Quality Problem, Now What?
5 Ways Data Can Derail Your Digital Transformation
Why Digital Transformation Initiatives Need A “Single View”


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