Product Release: Profisee Platform 2019 R1

Profisee is very excited to announce the 2019 R1 release of the Profisee Platform, which represents 7 months of investment to provide significant enhancements to the Profisee Platform.

Quick Links

  1. Watch the overview video here or further down this blog post.
  2. Visit the Profisee Community to download the latest Profisee software, installation guides, release notes and Profisee Compatibility Matrix.
  3. If you’re new to the Profisee Community, watch the “Getting Started with the Profisee Community” video course.

Release Overview

This release includes a major push in the FastApp Portal to improve usability and provide functional parity to Profisee Studio as we work to move all aspects of stewardship to a modern web portal. We’ve significantly increased the power and flexibility of our data quality rules by adding our own Excel-like expression language, allowing text, date, and number calculations to be defined as a part of validation and assignment rules. Expressions are a step in our journey to towards enabling Profisee’s data quality rules to be applied flexibly across any system. Lastly, this release includes a lot of ‘under the surface’ investments to support our move to a cloud native architecture. 2019 R1 includes our first microservices as well as significant architectural investments that will enable containerization of the Profisee Platform as part of our ‘cloud native’ strategy, that will significantly improve implementation flexibility and lower maintenance costs in the future. We encourage you to watch the overview video below for a brief demonstration of these new capabilities. Additional details can be found below as well as in the release notes that can be downloaded with the software.

Noteworthy enhancements in this release include

  • A major refinement of the FastApp Portal’s layout, usability, and page and Form management architecture
  • Enhanced Portal stewardship capabilities in the form of Quick (Bulk) Update and full rich Matching Stewardship functions.
  • A new Expression Language wrapped into the platform’s Data Quality subsystem allowing dynamic data manipulation during rule execution.
  • A new File Attachment subsystem allowing users to attach unstructured data – images, office documents, and more – to master data records.
  • Active Directory group support that simplifies the assignment of roles and permissions to users in Profisee.
  • Bulk provisioning of staging tables and facilities to streamline your ETL integration efforts.
For a complete list of the new and enhanced features in 2019 R1, consult the Profisee Platform Release Notes available alongside the software download on the Profisee Community.

Profisee Platform Licensing

Before using the 2019 R1 release, existing customers using all prior release must request new license files. Each license file is assigned to the primary Web application server in a Maestro Cluster by its Fully Qualified Domain Name (“FQDN”), and a usage type: “Production” or “Non-production” (i.e., test, development). License files should be requested through the Profisee Community. When requesting license files, you must provide an FQDN and the Server Type for each Web server running Maestro. For example:

Profisee SDK

Profisee SDK 2019 R1.1 is available alongside the core platform release. Key enhancements to the SDK include:
  • Data Quality Rule support in the SDK’s Accelerator Framework API library.
  • Enhanced Web Service Generation allowing documentation for the generated REST services to be available through Swagger.
  • New Workflow template project file targeting .NET Framework 4.7.2.
Please refer to the Profisee SDK Release Notes in the Profisee Community for full release details and upgrade instructions.

Download Profisee 2019 R1

Please visit Profisee Community to download the latest Profisee software, installation guides, release notes and Profisee Compatibility Matrix.

Support Portal Access

If you experience any issues updating Maestro, or have any questions about the product, please login to the Profisee Community. We are here to help!


Complete the form below to request your spot at Profisee’s happy hour and dinner at Il Mulino in the Swan Hotel on Tuesday, March 21 at 6:30pm.


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