2021 CDAO Insurance Live

Harbert Bernard
Global Value Consultant Lead, Profisee

Don Vu
Chief Data Officer, Northwestern Mutual

Yorck Einhaus
SVP and Chief Data Officer, Farmers Insurance

Louis DiModugno
SVP and Chief Data Officer, HSB 

In this session from CDAO Insurance Live 2021, chief data officers from Northwestern Mutual, Farmers Insurance and Hartford Steam Boiler discuss how to determine the “why” behind their data management and analytics strategy.

Moderated by Profisee Global Value Consultant Lead Harbert Bernard, this expert panel of chief data officers discussed:

  • How business drivers determine data analytics strategy
  • Building the foundations of a robust data governance strategy across the business
  • Identifying how to extract value in the near-term and get business buy-in
  • How cloud adoption fits into a data management roadmap
  • Modernizing practices and technology so it can be sustained into the future

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