What is Master Data Management?

Master Data Management is two part data management strategy used by organizations of every size in every industry. It includes specific business processes combined with the technical infrastructure required to provide and maintain consistent and accurate sets of master data.Sometimes, we vendors in the data management world can make the easy complicated.But master data is important to everyone NO MATTER the size of your organization.

MDM Strategy – Where to Start

Where to Get Started with Your MDM Strategy As organizations continue to produce and collect enormous amounts of data, properly managing that data becomes increasingly critical. That’s because proper data management helps maintain cleanliness and accuracy in order to avoid costly errors and makes it possible to glean insights from data to drive new efforts that will add value back to the business.

“One Thing Leads to Another“ – The Fixx

It’s funny when I talk about the “One Thing”, memories of the movie City Slickers come to mind. The scene where Jack Palance’s character, Curly tells Mitch, played by Billy Crystal the secret of life is (and I am paraphrasing here) “One Thing.” Just one thing you need to stick to.

5 Ways Data Management Addresses Data Quality Issues

Data managers play defensive tackle in the fight against poor-quality master data. They’re trying to fill data gaps and keep bad data from making it to the end zone, so to speak. They have as tough a job in the data management trenches as athletes do on the gridiron.


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