Even Now, Your Master Data Represents Opportunity

Let me extend my heartfelt wishes that everyone stays safe and healthy through this currently trying time. As I write this from my home in the heart of New York City, I’m relieved to say that both my immediate family and my Profisee family have weathered the storm admirably, and I thank everyone in my professional circle that has checked in with me on our welfare.

One of the most positive (and to be honest, surprising) developments of the past few weeks has been that despite the very wise postponement of several major industry events where myself and Profisee were to participate in March, and stay-at-home orders affecting both yours truly and many of our prospects and clients, my activity level (remote, of course) in support of potential and current clients has actually increased significantly.

While the current need for accurate medical provider and patient data is obvious, I’ve recently encountered several diverse commercial use cases in both new and expanding clients: regional banks seeking to optimize temporary branch closures by taking a customer-centric (as opposed to account-specific) view of actual branch usage (as opposed to the legacy branches of record), as well as tracking asset movement patterns between accounts; both online and brick-and-mortar retailers determining and documenting potential product substitutions; and increased fraud detection capabilities across the board. These have included both enterprises seeking to truly manage their master data for the first time coming out of the current crisis, and those seeking to expand their MDM footprint after being in production with their initial use cases for some time.

I applaud these companies for tackling the challenge of managing their master data head-on, rather than maintaining the status quo and simply “battening down the hatches” until the end of this crisis is in sight.

I must also say that I feel blessed to work for a vendor that offers a solution at a reasonable price point/model and average implementation time, allowing those with the courage to seize this opportunity a viable path forward to re-engaging their business even more powerfully in the future.

The Profisee team and I will continue to offer webinars and other educational content for as long as the current restrictions last, so please check our website and follow us on LinkedIn to stay up to date. All the best, and I look forward to seeing you all at the rescheduled events in September and October!

Bill O’Kane
VP & MDM Strategist @ Profisee


Complete the form below to request your spot at Profisee’s happy hour and dinner at Il Mulino in the Swan Hotel on Tuesday, March 21 at 6:30pm.


MDM vs. MDS graphic